This is an educated guess: of all the areas of L.A. that I've seen, there is none with more local media than the Southside. Inglewood alone has several weeklies that I know of. All over South L.A., small independent papers serve their communities with unflinching local news, as well as non-local news of interest to long-time black residents and new Latin American immigrants, sometimes in both in English and Spanish.
Of course, being that they're small, many of the papers are agenda-driven or biased. But there are so many to choose from, you could always get a good handle on what's going on and what messages are being consumed by reading at least a couple. Among the South L.A. papers, Our Weekly has the strongest Web presence. Here are some links for their end-of-the-year issue:
Top stories of the year
Persons of the Year
Racial tensions simmering in Harbor Gateway
The Ancient Egyptians were black
Missing man needs meds
Brawling incidents increase
James Brown obituary
* More interesting stories are always up at The Wave papers, including the crackling good writing of Betty Pleasant.
* Photo of mural in South Central from Flickr.