* The Daily News plays on the front page the issue of graffiti taggers disrespecting murals, focusing on L.A. muralist Ernesto de la Loza and some of the messed up city policies on murals (artists have to maintain their own works, usually with limited or no funding). The paper says there are 150 tagging crews in the Valley. Of course, there's no mention of the highly impolite idea held by some that tagging is a naturally expected layer to street art of any kind.
* The L.A. Times gives Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa lots of free room to spin the question of whether he's an arts mayor. Only local arts legend Lyn Kienholz appears willing to articulate the general sense that he's not. The story mentions "Water & Power," a modern Chicano morality tale by Culture Clash (* written by Richard Montoya), but doesn't mention that Villaraigosa didn't attend a single performance of it, though it was practically written for the man. During the prestigious 2006 Mexico City book fair, a broad arts and culture festival in which the invited cities were L.A. and La Habana, City Hall backed away from officially participating, fearing any association with the capital of Communist Cuba.