Cory Kennedy, the former intern for Mark "The Cobrasnake" Hunter turned full-scale Internet phenomenon, got her big L.A. Times magazine profile in Sunday's West:
From the moment Hunter posted his first pictures of her, with her doe eyes and her brown hair asunder, it was clear that her childlike face, surrounded by all that L.A.-noir, had its own gravitational pull.
But mostly the reaction was simply to 15-year-old Cory as seen through the love-struck eyes of a 20-year-old who couldn't stop looking at her. "She was totally real," Hunter says, "and totally innocent."
I first met Cory while I was reporting my A-1 profile of Mark for the L.A. Times, linked here and here. Then I ran into Cory and Mark walking together happily on Hollywood and Highland last Christmas. It's easy to hate on L.A.'s "cool kids," but even easier, and better, to love them. Clearly, they're having the greatest time of their lives; the rest doesn't really matter:
That was Cory and Mark at a Paper magazine party last year. I also wrote about New York-based Paper's first big stand in L.A. in 2005 for the L.A. Times. "L.A. is the old new New York!" Loren Granic, part of Goddollars, said in my story. In 2006, the magazine did a series of parties in different L.A. hipster neighborhoods and reportedly plan on doing so annually. Paper, always on the cusp of cool...
* Filmmakers Nate Van Dusen and Jessica Sanders are working on a documentary that features Cory. Here's Cory's blog, her MySpace, and a weirdly mesmerizing video of her eating while listening to Good Charlotte.