Washingtonpost.com has this video of a graduate student at Virgina Tech, Haiyan Cheng, recounting what happened in Norris Hall during the deadliest gun massacre in American history. Cheng describes how initial sounds of gunfire drew her and another student into a hallway, where they briefly saw the gunman, Seung-Hui Cho. Cheng says she then moved back into the classroom and others barricaded the door with a long table as Cho attempted to push in, shooting through the door with a handgun. What a piece of shit.
Today is when the heroic stories emerge. Liviu Librescu, an Israeli Holocaust survivor who died on Monday, saved students' lives by blocking a door with his own body. Sickening, numbing, depressing. I don't know what to think anymore about any of this. Guess I should just go back to the TV commercials and video games. Or Cho's play, "Richard McBeef."
* Photo by Getty Images. The wikipedia page is incredibly comprehensive.