Revealing nothing any sentient person couldn't have deduced from a few viewings of the available clips, LAPD Chief Bill Bratton told the Police Commission today that a "breakdown" in police command caused the infamous May Day police riot at MacArthur Park. Also in "Duh," the Police Protective League, which insisted on defending officers' actions early in the fall-out after May 1, said in a statement that officers need more training to handle crowds.
Meanwhile, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, the political rock-star of Latino trendiness and L.A.'s hometown monarch, is set to announce his endorsement for autobot Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination for President, AP says. No surprise there. Villaraigosa and the Clintons know each other. Here's the L.A. Times' take. So much for anyone's ludricious notion that a black-Latino multicultural coalition would magically lead America into glory in the 21st Century. Guess there's always Rocky! Or chilango Bill?
* UPDATE: The New York Times gives the Antonio endorsement a considerable treatment ahead of the announcement.
* Photo by Wally Skalij, LAT.