In this week's "Ask Ana" at the Los Angeles Garment & Citizen, a "concerned father" in South L.A. writes in a question in Spanish, translated as:
My son is named in a gang injunction, and I don’t think he deserves to be. I heard that there is now a way to get a person’s name removed from the gang injunction lists. Is that true?
Ana's answer tip-toes a precarious line with art and sensitivity. Elsewhere in the paper, a run-down of crime-briefs from Echo Park (one dead and three wounded in separate shootings on May 6), news of a report that says Baby Boomers will rely on immigrants in their golden years, and word from the streets that rank-and-file cops are down on Chief Bratton for his pronoun usage. I profiled the scrappy downtown paper and editor Jerry Sullivan for last year's "Best of L.A."