Access to cheap beer, a sticky floor, and a drag show is a basic neo-American right, so when places to buy such amusements begin disappearing, someone must stand up and say something. Enter the Pocho Research Society. Adolfo Guzman-Lopez of KPCC early Sunday rode along with the semi-anonymous group for a night of guerilla historical memorializing at formerly Latino queer bars and/or sites of gay club nights in Silver Lake, Echo Park and downtown that in recent years have been flipped to hipster-yuppie bars. Here's the story that aired this morning. The group's latest project, "Echoes in the Echo," involved the placement of unpermitted historical markers on The Echo (formerly The Nayarit), Bar 107 (formerly The Score) and Cha Cha (formerly Le Barcito). Go here for previous interventions by the Pocho Research Society that in some measure recall the practices and strategies of Asco.
* Of course, if you itch for a I-can't-believe-it's-not-her Alejandra Guzman impersonation, a form of nightlife entertainment as egalitarian in Mexico as futbol-watching, you can still search and find: Le Bar on Sunset in Silver Lake on Sunday nights, for instance, still serves the goods. We'll check today to see if the latest PRS markers are still up.