After his ground-breaking first film, "Keep in Time," Los Angeles-based photographer and filmmaker B+ is back with "Brasilintime," premiering this week at three separate events in Los Angeles. The party is capped Thursday night with what looks like a truly unique show at the Mayan, featuring the Cut Chemist and Madlib, and from Brasil, João "Comanche" Parahyba, Ivan "Mamão" Conti, and DJ Nuts. "Brasilintime" appears to be built on the same premise as "Keep in Time": bring together contemporary hip-hop artists and put them in a room with the musical forefathers who laid the beats and rhythms upon which hip-hop was built, let them jam, and see what happens. In this case, it's the old-schoolers who created Brasil's hybrid samba-jazz-tropicalia sound who meet the new-school, from two continents:
Trivia: "Keep in Time" screened outdoors at the Zocalo in October during the D.F. book fair, a true and faithful representation of urban musical culture from Los Angeles. It was well received. Check out the "Brasilintime" link for more.