EL CHAVO! notices the "little things" in changes to the flatlands of Lincoln Heights, heralded by -- what else? -- a new "loft" development. In the latest bloggy installment of this classic L.A. story, EL CHAVO! notes that the vendors of precious junk that gravitated around the beloved St. Vincent de Paul thrift store have disappeared due to "harassment and ticketing." The comments both at Chanfles! and Curbed LA on this topic are very instructive in their own ways.
And in the same vein, the familiar call of the Death of Sunset Junction pretty much manifested true this weekend, as I saw firsthand how the outrageous entrance fee and the outsider-in feel to the festival (this year on a curiously more compressed strip of Sunset Boulevard) meant the event finally became essentially soulless, as Blogito argues. The always artful Notes from Mictlan has a gentrification 'bluez' yarn to spin as well.
What to say now? The only constant is change?
* Photo above from Chanfles!
** A BLOG NOTE: Regular readers will notice the gradual inclusion on here of a search engine and some links. I remain functionally inept on altering code that isn't a copy-and-paste sort of action so I'm relying on a friend to help me out. More blog links are on the way. Also, I noticed that a couple words I used a few weeks ago have generated some static electricity in L.A. blog-land. Let me make a clarification. Calling EL CHAVO! L.A.'s "premier Chicano blogger" was in no way a diss on the many Latino or Latino-oriented blogs in Los Angeles run by dedicated and terrific bloggers -- who will be linked up with Intersections soon. But anyway, in the future I'll be more thoughtful with instantaneous or informal pronouncements of tastes or preferences.
Now, back to the work ...