Are the kids in the photo above the cutting edge of international cool, or adopting a derivative of scenester party style from L.A.-New York-London circa 2004? I don't want to make the call, because, honestly, they were really sweet and open in person -- like a lot of party kids here, and unlike a lot of party kids in L.A., New York, or London -- and they were really committed to the extravagance of their outfits. Isn't that all it really takes? Enthusiasm? Go for it! Own that a Nintendo controller as a necklace!
I took this shot at the Guns N Bombs show in Colonia Roma on Friday night. The boys from Sicario generously hosted it, and, yes indeed, it was a sloppy, epic party that went on way into the wee hours of the morning. A really happy, comprehensive event. I saw strangers making out, a fist fight, faintings, and so on. Guns N Bombs put the crowd in a rapture. Consider the evidence as documented by Mark "The Cobrasnake" Hunter. He was in town for the party, and he took two sets of shots in one night, found here and here. You'll see a bit of me in there, and a lot of my former Echo Park neighbor and Guns N Bombs manager Alexis Rivera.
Alllllllll in the name of research, friends.
* Previously in Intersections, my most viewed and searched post by an astonishing margin, "Cory Kennedy: Young, fashionable, famous, eating." * Photo deleted.