Well, in a manner of speaking. The most active and committed of Mexicans emos are making their presence felt in defiance of a wave of violent attacks directed at them. They're organizing to defend their right to be emo.
In Queretaro on March 15, a week after the first anti-emo incident nationally, emos and others staged a silent march for peace and tolerance through Queretaro's centro. A week ago on Wednesday, emos and their supporters in Mexico City demonstrated in front of the headquarters of the municipal justice department. The action was organized by a Mexico City gay-rights organization, highlighting the contention of some that the anti-emo movement is homophobic, among other undercurrents. (Here's coverage from the gay angle at Sergay.com, in Spanish.) After the rally the emos marched to the metro under police protection and returned to their unofficial base, the Glorieta de Insurgentes, chanting "Emos! Emos! Emos!" On Tuesday, last night, emos here met with representatives of the D.F. municipal government. The meeting was closed to the press. Mexican media has also reported on pro-emo demonstrations in Puebla. As always, updates later.
* Previously, "Violence against emos sweeps across Mexico" and "More on the emo attacks in Mexico."