That's right. As immigrants are leaving the country, federal agents have been staging check-points and rounding people up. The L.A. Times, reporting from the San Diego-Tijuana border, says that ICE is actually defending this policy. In the article by Richard Marosi, a population-control reactionary argues that immigrants who are arrested as they leave the United States could become "ambassadors of enforcement" once they eventually reach Mexico with their hard-earned dollars. As my mom would say, ¡Ya, esto es el colmo!
But this is the sort of officially defended government inanity and criminally wasteful use of resources that we've come to expect in the Bush Era. It's a long list of outrageous stories that gradually work to erode and disrupt the country's little remaining links to decency and reason, and we can only hope that with a Barack Obama presidency, finally, something might change. Might.
* L.A. Times photo above by Mark Boster.