* Above, suburban love, via MX/DF.
In simplest terms, Satélite and Coapa are to Mexico City what Jersey and Long Island are to New York, or the Valley and Orange County are to L.A. Huge and often mocked suburban grids that press in on the city, where people are defined by their cars, consumer products, and curious values.
Or in other words, places that are totally chilango.
MUCA Roma has a show up right now called "Pioneeros" that pairs photographs of Satélite and Coapa taken by Dante Busquets and Pavka Segura, Mexico City natives. The show features 80 unmarked images of people, cars, buildings, blips on the urban landscape.
There is also an installation reproducing what you might call a typical living room in D.F. suburbia, where you can sit on a browning couch and leaf through someone's family photo album.