I'm asked "How's the book going?" pretty regularly, so here it is: This month I'm set to turn in the first draft of my manuscript, the result of a year-and-a-half of journalism and gathered experiences in Mexico City. Any day now ... as I stare at literally hundreds and hundreds of pages of raw writing, hours upon hours of raw audio, and too many dusty piles of books, clips, magazines, and fliers. Not to mention all those over-scribbled and abused reporter's notebooks. Or my "thought diagrams." (Those were a breakthrough for me.)
Editing, editing, editing. Revising, revising, revising. While working to pay the rent. While staying on top of the big stories and the little stories. While blogging. While trying to keep everything in its proper perspective. It's pretty crazy, but no one said this would be easy. There is no instruction manual for putting together a book, after all. And if there is, I missed the memo.
It's cool, though. My focus has consolidated. I've cleared away all social and digital clutter. As I repeat to myself: Process, process, process. The road over the destination. The work over the fruit. OK. Now let me just confirm it: this is the most strenuous task I've ever undertaken in my life. It energizes me and at the same time depletes me, making for a disorienting mental space.
At the same time, I am super excited with the project. I can't wait to share it with you. I've settled on a working title and the draft is up to about 150 pages -- and I see it at about 50-percent done right now. The biggest hurdle had been figuring out my role as narrator, and that question basically answered itself through the writing.
So with the blessings and guidance of all relevant spiritual masters, we'll get this sh*t done, as promised. If you've helped me along the way, many many thanks, again. But I'll certainly have more shout-outs in the near future.