Downtown D.F., just some moments ago:
Mexico City artist Gustavo Abascal is seen here with his original drawing "Los Demonios," based on a photograph by William Dunleavy, of Andrea D. and I, and two stray dogs, walking along a dark stretch of mountain road somewhere between D.F. and Cuernavaca, in the middle of a magically witchy November night. We were on our way to a roadside fichera, in search of provisions -- a.k.a., beer.
The original image is found here. Will's blog is worth a good dig. And this is Gustavo's blog of images.
Here's Lil Will's post documenting that epic, still-talked-about Dia de los Muertos party we had. And here are some shots of Will's exceptional documentary project on punks in Mexico City.
* See you in Brooklyn or Baltimore, Will. I'll be wide open.
** UPDATE: Dunleavy hecka updates the documentation with this post, featuring a triple-meta image of Andrea and I standing before the image drawn by Gustavo A., with Gustavo A. standing nearby, and William D., author of the original image, behind the camera. The mind reels.