This is what D.F. feels and looks like right now, "Mordor." The smog and altitude and dryness of the spring is the source of the Mexico City mutation.
Last night on a roof-top we couldn't decide what color the sky was: a red-purple-orange nighttime gray? I look across the way on a street and I can't see the tops of the mountains. It's just ... blank. An idea: think it's time local fashion designers maybe start considering making ready-to-wear street masks? A future-is-now kinda thing?
Diesel exhaust, construction dust, sewer fumes, hostile microbes. A handkerchief is a worthy investment. Come to think of it ... when deemed necessary ... see here and here.
But we still love living here, right? Without question. Addicted to the impossible city, infected by it. Oh yessss.
* Source uncertain for photo. Please alert me if it's yours.