Sunday: We didn't go in but we strolled past it, the Hispanic Society of America, in the Harlem region of Uptown Manhattan. Wait, stop. What is that?
The names of these languages chiseled into a band on the side of one of the society's buildings gave me a grounding jolt in the imperial city: Quechua, the language of the Andes, Arawak and Carib, from the north Caribbean coast of South America, Chibcha, from what is now Costa Rica and arounds, Maya and Zapotec, from Mexico and Mesoamerica, and from today.
New York as a pole in a pan-Latino consciousness, out of bounds, at least. It's here. Call it #LocalLatin?
** Link: My visit to WFMU in Jersey City with Rupture, and Joven Will, for Mudd Up! Stream or download the hour here.