Here is a sampling of some of the articles I did while on staff at the L.A. Times. I started working there in September 2002, after completing by B.A. at UC Berkeley, until March 2006, when I left to try new approaches at the LA Weekly.
Some of these articles took weeks or even months to report and write, while others were turned around in a day. Some had extensive follow-ups or sparked L.A. Times editorials and letters to the editor. (Elsewhere in Intersections, I've made pages for three Column Ones I did for The Times.)
I've listed the pieces in descending order, and noted where in the paper they were published. The top two pieces I did as an L.A. Times intern in 2001. * next to my very favorites:
"Some Street Signs Get a Little Squiggle of Linguistic Respect," 21 August 2001, B-1. * (Without the ñ!)
"Mother Loses Her Son and Now Her Home," 28 August 2001, B-4.
"A Day for the Dead Draws Revelers to Hollywood Cemetery," 27 Oct. 2002, B-3.
"Will Movie Fans Carry Their Weight?" 26 August 2003, B-1.
"A Hybrid Tongue or Slanguage?" 27 December 2003, A-1.
"They're Hitting the Road to Get to Class," 4 May 2004, B-1. *
"Victim Turns Her Shooting Into Lesson for Others," 15 May 2004, B-1.
"A Changing Imprint," 01 August 2004, E-41.
"Old Tunnel May Be Tagged as Landmark," 15 September 2004, A-1. *
"Bus Tour Peels Away L.A.'s Prevailing Myths," 15 September 2004, B-2. *
"In Protest, Mariachis Sing for Their Survival," 24 November, 2004, B-1.
"Club Fans Fight Proposed Takeover," 28 December 2004, B-1.
"Turning a Lens Homeward," 24 January 2005, B-3.
"For Some, Avalon is Alcatraz," 24 February 2005, B-1.
"Evictions Questioned in Boyle Heights," 12 March 2005, B-3.
"The Punk Rock Kids in the Hall," 21 March 2005, B-1.
"Villaraigosa's Spanish is One of L.A.'s Languages," 23 April 2005, A-1. *
"Defining life by way of blurring language," 27 April 2005, E-3.
"Tenants' Lives Upended in Blaze," 27 June 2005, B-3.
"North of Tijuana," 03 July 2005, Book Review.
"'Not a Cornfield' Idea is Food for Thought," 12 September 2005, B-1.
"Getting the L.A. Story," 10 December 2005, E-22. *
"Latino rapper lets ethnic slurs fly," 31 December 2005, E-1. *
"Inquiring Gringos Want to Know," 23 February 2006, A-1. *
"Op-Ed: How the gran marcha changed us," 25 March, 2007, Opinion.
* Why did I leave the L.A. Times? See the interview I did with Adrienne Crew at LAist (where I probably over-thought my answer). * Image above, the Times's historic First Street lobby.