** This page is in need of updating with links covering 2010, 2011, and 2012. Proceeding ...
Here are links to my commentaries for "All Things Considered" on NPR, to a couple videos I appear in or host, and to radio work and appearances elsewhere.
"Coordinating Flags at Immigration Marches," NPR commentary.
"Major Parties Cast About for Ways to Attract Latinos," NPR commentary.
"Salsa Slight Shows City's Fractured Relations," NPR commentary.
"Poets and Gangsters: Discovering Roberto Bolaño," NPR feature in which I lend my voice to narrate excerpts of 'The Savage Detectives.'
"Age, Not Race, Splits Latinos' Democratic Vote," NPR commentary.
"Mexico City Emos," Current TV, interview.
"Mexico Emo Riots," Wammo Radio, New Zealand, interview.
"The Mexican Emo Wars," NPR, interview.
"Mexican Death Saint," Current TV, production, hosting, with Ioan Grillo.
"Mexico City's Water Crisis," FSRN, news story.
"Mexico Grapples with Outbreak of Swine Flu," FSRN, feature story.
"In Mexico City, the Infection is Fear," NPR commentary.
"The Net Gets a Bad Case of the Swine Flu," CyberFrequencies, interview.
"Mid-term elections in Mexico reveal PRI resurgence," FSRN, news headline.
"How Does Mexico Survive?" Zócalo, public lecture series, Los Angeles.